Programmable directional emitter and receiver of itinerant microwave photons in a waveguide

Abstract in English

We theoretically demonstrate dynamically selective bidirectional emission and absorption of a single itinerant microwave photon in a waveguide. The proposed device is an artificial molecule composed of two qubits coupled to a waveguide a quarter-wavelength apart. By using simulations based on the input--output theory, we show that upon preparing an appropriate entangled state of the two qubits, a photon is emitted directionally as a result of the destructive interference occurring either at the right or left of the qubits. Moreover, we demonstrate that this artificial molecule possesses the capability of absorbing and transmitting an incoming photon on-demand, a feature essential to the creation of a fully inter-connected one-dimensional quantum network, in which quantum information can be exchanged between any two given nodes.
