Optical Flow in Dense Foggy Scenes using Semi-Supervised Learning

Abstract in English

In dense foggy scenes, existing optical flow methods are erroneous. This is due to the degradation caused by dense fog particles that break the optical flow basic assumptions such as brightness and gradient constancy. To address the problem, we introduce a semi-supervised deep learning technique that employs real fog images without optical flow ground-truths in the training process. Our network integrates the domain transformation and optical flow networks in one framework. Initially, given a pair of synthetic fog images, its corresponding clean images and optical flow ground-truths, in one training batch we train our network in a supervised manner. Subsequently, given a pair of real fog images and a pair of clean images that are not corresponding to each other (unpaired), in the next training batch, we train our network in an unsupervised manner. We then alternate the training of synthetic and real data iteratively. We use real data without ground-truths, since to have ground-truths in such conditions is intractable, and also to avoid the overfitting problem of synthetic data training, where the knowledge learned on synthetic data cannot be generalized to real data testing. Together with the network architecture design, we propose a new training strategy that combines supervised synthetic-data training and unsupervised real-data training. Experimental results show that our method is effective and outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in estimating optical flow in dense foggy scenes.
