Simultaneous Downlink Data Transmission and Uplink Channel Estimation with Reduced Complexity Full Duplex MIMO Radios

Abstract in English

In this paper, we study Full Duplex (FD) Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) radios for simultaneous data communication and control information exchange. Capitalizing on a recently proposed FD MIMO architecture combining digital transmit and receive beamforming with reduced complexity multi-tap analog Self-Interference (SI) cancellation, we propose a novel transmission scheme exploiting channel reciprocity for joint downlink beamformed information data communication and uplink channel estimation through training data transmission. We adopt a general model for pilot-assisted channel estimation and present a unified optimization framework for all involved FD MIMO design parameters. Our representative Monte Carlo simulation results for an example algorithmic solution for the beamformers as well as for the analog and digital SI cancellation demonstrate that the proposed FD-based joint communication and control scheme provides 1.4x the downlink rate of its half duplex counterpart. This performance improvement is achieved with 50% reduction in the hardware complexity for the analog canceller than conventional FD MIMO architectures with fully connected analog cancellation.
