Production of clean rare isotope beams at TRIUMF Ion guide laser ion source

Abstract in English

Hot cavity resonant ionization laser ion sources (RILIS) provide a multitude of radioactive ion beams with high ionization efficiency and element selective ionization. However, in hot cavity RILIS there still remains isobaric contaminations in the extracted beam from surface ionized species. An ion guide-laser ion source (IG-LIS) has been implemented that decouples the hot isotope production region from the laser ionization volume. A number of IG-LIS runs have been conducted to provide isobar free radioactive ion beams for experiments. Isobar suppression of up to 106 has been achieved, however, IG-LIS still suffers from an intensity loss of 50-100X as compared to hot cavity RILIS. Operating parameters for IG-LIS are being optimized and design improvements are being implemented into the prototype for robust and efficient on-line operation. Recent SIMION ion optics simulation results and the ongoing development status of the IG-LIS are presented.
