Persistent spin helix in Rashba-Dresselhaus ferroelectric CsBiNb2O7

Abstract in English

Ferroelectric Rashba semiconductors (FERSC) are a novel class of multifunctional materials showing a giant Rashba spin splitting which can be reversed by switching the electric polarization. Although they are excellent candidates as channels in spin field effect transistors, the experimental research has been limited so far to semiconducting GeTe, in which ferroelectric switching is often prevented by heavy doping and/or large leakage currents. Here, we report that CsBiNb2O7, a layered perovskite of Dion-Jacobson type, is a robust ferroelectric with sufficiently strong spin-orbit coupling and spin texture reversible by electric field. Moreover, we reveal that its topmost valence bands spin texture is quasi-independent from the momentum, as a result of the low symmetry of its ferroelectric phase. The peculiar spin polarization pattern in the momentum space may yield the so-called persistent spin helix, a specific spin-wave mode which protects the spin from decoherence in diffusive transport regime, potentially ensuring a very long spin lifetime in this material.
