Merging ab initio theory and few-body approach for $(d,p)$ reactions

Abstract in English

A new framework for $A(d,p)B$ reactions is introduced by merging the microscopic approach to computing the properties of the nucleon-target systems and the three-body $n+p+A$ reaction formalism, thus providing a consistent link between the reaction cross sections and the underlying microscopic structure. In this first step toward a full microscopic description, we focus on the inclusion of the neutron-target microscopic properties. The properties of the neutron-target subsystem are encapsulated in the Greens function which is computed with the Coupled Cluster theory using a chiral nucleon-nucleon and three-nucleon interactions. Subsequently, this many-body information is introduced in the few-body Greens Function Transfer approach to $(d,p)$ reactions. Our benchmarks on stable targets $^{40,48}$Ca show an excellent agreement with the data. We then proceed to make specific predictions for $(d,p)$ on neutron rich $^{52,54}$Ca isotopes. These predictions are directly relevant to testing the new magic numbers $N=32,34$ and are expected to be feasible in the first campaign of the projected FRIB facility.
