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Searching for low energy counterparts of gamma-ray sources is one of the major challenges in modern gamma-ray astronomy. In the third Fermi source catalog about 30 % of detected sources are unidentified/unassociated Gamma-ray Sources (UGSs). We recently started an optical spectroscopic follow up campaign to confirm the blazar-like nature of candidates counterparts of UGSs. Here we report the spectra of 61 targets collected with the Southern Astrophysical Research Telescope (SOAR) between 2014 and the 2017. Our sample includes 33 potential counterparts of UGSs, selected on the basis of WISE colors, and 27 blazar candidates of uncertain type associated with gamma-ray sources of the last release of the Fermi catalog. We confirm the BZB nature of 20 sources lying within the positional uncertainty region of the UGSs. All the observed BCUs show blazar-like spectra, classified as 2 BZQs and 25 BZBs, for which we obtained 6 redshift estimates. Within the BCUs observations we report the redshift estimate for the BZB associated with, 3FGL J1106.4-3643 that is the second most distant BL Lac known to date, at z>1.084.
The third Fermi source catalog lists 3033 gamma-ray sources above $4sigma$ significance. More than 30% are classified as either unidentified/unassociated Gamma-ray sources (UGSs), with about 20% classified as Blazar candidates of uncertain types (BCUs). To confirm the blazar-like nature of candidate counterparts of UGSs and BCUs, we started in 2012 an optical spectroscopic follow up campaign. We report here the spectra of 36 targets with observations from the Observatorio Astronomico Nacional San Pedro Martir, the Southern Astrophysical Research Observatory, the Kitt Peak National Observatory and the Northern Optical Telescope, between 2016 and 2017. We confirm the BL Lac nature of 23 sources, and the flat spectrum radio quasar nature of other 7 ones. We also provide redshift estimates for 19 out of these 30 confirmations, with only one being a lower limit due to spectral features ascribable to intervening systems along the line of sight. As in previous analyses, the largest fraction of now-classified BCUs belong to the class of BL Lac objects, that appear to be the most elusive class of active galactic nuclei. One of the BL Lacs identified in this work, associated with 3FGL J2213.6-4755, lies at a redshift of $z>$1.529, making it one of the few distant gamma-ray BL Lac objects.
We recently started a systematic search of low-energy counterparts of the unidentified gamma-ray sources (UGSs) listed in the Fermi-Large Area Telescope (LAT) First Source Catalog (1FGL) and the Fermi-LAT 2-Year Source Catalog (2FGL).} The main goal of our investigation is to find active galaxies belonging to the blazar class that lie within the positional uncertainty region of the UGSs and thus could be their potential low-energy counterparts. To achieve our aims, we first adopted several procedures based on the peculiar observational properties of blazars in the radio and in the IR. Then we carried out a follow-up spectroscopic campaign in the optical band to verify the nature of the candidates selected as potential counterparts of the UGSs. Here we present the results of the observations carried out in 2013 in the Northern Hemisphere at Kitt Peak National Observatory (KPNO). Optical spectroscopy is crucial to confirm the nature of the sources and can be used to estimate their redshifts; it will also allow us to test the robustness of our methods when the whole campaign is completed. Here we present the optical spectroscopic observations of 39 sources. Within our sample we found that 6 sources are blazars, candidates to be low-energy counterparts of the UGSs listed in the 2FGL. We confirm that an additional 8 sources, previously classified as active galaxies of uncertain type and associated in the 2FGL, are also all BL Lac objects. Moreover, we also present 20 new spectra for known blazars listed in the Multi-frequency Catalogue of Blazars as having an uncertain redshift and/or being classified as BL Lac candidates. We conclude that our methods for selecting gamma-ray blazar candidates allows us to discover new blazars and increase the list of potential low-energy counterparts for the Fermi UGSs.
The extragalactic $gamma$-ray sky is dominated by emission from blazars, a peculiar class of active galactic nuclei (AGNs). Many of the $gamma$-ray sources included in Fermi -Large Area Telescope Third Source catalog (3FGL) are classified as a blazar candidate of uncertain type (BCU) because there is no optical spectra available in the literature to confirm their nature. In 2013 we started a spectroscopic campaign to look for the optical counterparts of the BCUs and of the Unidentified $gamma$-ray Sources. The main goal of our investigation is to confirm the blazar nature of these sources having peculiar properties as compact radio emission and/or selected on the basis of their infrared (IR) colors. Whenever possible we also determine their redshifts. Here we present the results of the observations carried out in the Northern hemisphere in 2013 and 2014 at Telescopio Nazionale Galilleo (TNG), Kitt Peak National Observatory (KPNO) and Observatorio Astronomico Nacional (OAN) in San Pedro Martir. In this paper we describe the optical spectra of 25 sources. We confirmed that all the 15 BCUs observed in our campaign and included in our sample are blazars and we estimated the redshift for 3 of them. In addition, we present the spectra for 3 sources classified as BL Lacs in the literature but with no optical spectra available to date. We found that one of them is a quasar (QSO) at a redshift $z$ = 0.208 and the other 2 are BL Lacs. Moreover, we also present 7 new spectra for known blazars listed in the Roma-BZCAT having an uncertain redshift or being classified as BL Lac candidates. We found that one of them, 5BZB J0724+2621 is a `changing look blazar. According to the spectrum available in the literature it was classified as a BL Lac but in our observation we clearly detected a broad emission line that lead to classify this source as a QSO at $z$=1.17.
Nearly one-third of the sources in the $Fermi$-LAT catalogs lack a lower energy counterpart, hence being referred as unidentified/unassociated gamma-ray sources (UGSs). In order to firmly classify them, dedicated multifrequency follow-up campaigns are necessary. These will permit to unveil their nature and identify the fraction that could belong to the class of active galaxies known as blazars that is the largest population of extragalactic $gamma$-ray sources. In $Fermi$-LAT catalogs there are also gamma-ray sources associated with multifrequency blazar-like objects known as Blazars Candidates of Uncertain type (i.e., BCUs) for which follow up spectroscopic campaigns are mandatory to confirm their blazar nature. Thus, in 2013 we started an optical spectroscopic campaign to identify blazar-like objects potential counterparts of UGSs and BCUs. Here we report the spectra of 31 additional targets observed as part of our follow up campaign. Thirteen of them are BCUs for which we acquired spectroscopic observations at Observatorio Astrofisico Guillermo Haro (OAGH) and at Southern Astrophysical Research Observatory (SOAR) telescopes, while the rest has been identified thanks to the archival observations available from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). We confirm the blazar nature of all BCUs: three of them are in blazar of quasar type (BZQs) while the remaining ones can be spectroscopically classified as BL Lac objects (BZBs). Then we also discovered 18 BL Lac objects lying within the positional uncertainty regions of UGSs that could be their potential counterparts.
We report on the results of X-ray and radio follow-up observations of two GeV gamma-ray sources 2FGL J0923.5+1508 and 2FGL J1502.1+5548, selected as candidates for high-redshift blazars from unassociated sources in the {it Fermi} Large Area Telescope Second Source Catalog. We utilize the Suzaku satellite and the VLBI Exploration of Radio Astrometry (VERA) telescopes for X-ray and radio observations, respectively. For 2FGL J0923.5+1508, a possible radio counterpart NVSS J092357+150518 is found at 1.4 GHz from an existing catalog, but we do not detect any X-ray emission from it and derive a flux upper limit $F_{rm 2-8 keV} <$ 1.37 $times$ 10$^{-14}$ erg cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$. Radio observations at 6.7 GHz also result in an upper limit of $S_{rm 6.7 GHz}$ $<$ 19 mJy, implying a steep radio spectrum that is not expected for a blazar. On the other hand, we detect X-rays from NVSS J150229+555204, the potential 1.4 GHz radio counterpart of 2FGL J1502.1+5548. The X-ray spectrum can be fitted with an absorbed power-law model with a photon index $gamma$=1.8$^{+0.3}_{-0.2}$ and the unabsorbed flux is $F_{rm 2-8 keV}$=4.3$^{+1.1}_{-1.0}$ $times$ 10$^{-14}$ erg cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$. Moreover, we detect unresolved radio emission at 6.7 GHz with flux $S_{rm 6.7 GHz}$=30.1 mJy, indicating a compact, flat-spectrum radio source. If NVSS J150229+555204 is indeed associated with 2FGL J1502.1+5548, we find that its multiwavelength spectrum is consistent with a blazar at redshift $z sim 3-4$.