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Decay of bound states due to coupling with free particle states is a general phenomenon occurring at energy scales from MeV in nuclear physics to peV in ultracold atomic gases. Such a coupling gives rise to Fano-Feshbach resonances (FFR) that have become key to understanding and controlling interactions - in ultracold atomic gases, but also between quasiparticles such as microcavity polaritons. The energy positions of FFR were shown to follow quantum chaotic statistics. In contrast, lifetimes which are the fundamental property of a decaying state, have so far escaped a similarly comprehensive understanding. Here we show that a bound state, despite being resonantly coupled to a scattering state, becomes protected from decay whenever the relative phase is a multiple of $pi$. We observe this phenomenon by measuring lifetimes spanning four orders of magnitude for FFR of spin-orbit excited molecular ions with merged beam and electrostatic trap experiments. Our results provide a blueprint for identifying naturally long-lived states in a decaying quantum system.
Controlling physical systems and their dynamics on the level of individual quanta propels both fundamental science and quantum technologies. Trapped atomic and molecular systems, neutral and charged, are at the forefront of quantum science. Their extraordinary level of control is evidenced by numerous applications in quantum information processing and quantum metrology. Studying the long-range interactions between these systems when combined in a hybrid atom-ion trap has lead to landmark results. Reaching the ultracold regime, however, where quantum mechanics dominates the interaction, e.g., giving access to controllable scattering resonances, has been elusive so far. Here we demonstrate Feshbach resonances between ions and atoms, using magnetically tunable interactions between $^{138}$Ba$^{+}$ ions and $^{6}$Li atoms. We tune the experimental parameters to probe different interaction processes - first, enhancing three-body reactions and the related losses to identify the resonances, then making two-body interactions dominant to investigate the ions sympathetic cooling in the ultracold atomic bath. Our results provide deeper insights into atom-ion interactions, giving access to complex many-body systems and applications in experimental quantum simulation.
A rigorous quantum theory of atomic collisions in the presence of radio frequency (rf) magnetic fields is developed and applied to elucidate the effects of combined dc and rf magnetic fields on elastic scattering in ultracold collisions of Rb atoms. We show that rf fields can be used to induce Feshbach resonances, which can be tuned by varying the amplitude and frequency of the rf field. The rf-induced Feshbach resonances occur also in collisions of atoms in low-field-seeking states at moderate rf field strengths easily available in atom chip experiments, which opens up the world of tunable interactions to magnetically trappable atomic quantum gases.
When intense light irradiates a quantum system, an ionizing electron recollides with its parent ion within the same light cycle and, during that very brief (few femtosecond) encounter, its kinetic energy sweeps from low to high energy and back. Therefore, recollision offers unprecedented time resolution and it is the foundation on which attosecond science is built. For simple systems, recolliding trajectories are shaped by the strong field acting together with the Coulomb potential and they can be readily calculated and measured. However, for more complex systems, multielectron effects are also important because they dynamically alter the recolliding wave packet trajectories. Here, we theoretically study Fano resonances, one of the most accessible multielectron effects, and we show how multielectron dynamics can be unambiguously isolated when we use in situ measurement. The general class of in situ measurement can provide key information needed for time-dependent ab initio electronic structure theory and will allow us to measure the ultimate time response of matter.
Employing a short-range two-channel description we derive an analytic model of atoms in isotropic and anisotropic harmonic traps at a Feshbach resonance. On this basis we obtain a new parameterization of the energy-dependent scattering length which differs from the one previously employed. We validate the model by comparison to full numerical calculations for Li-Rb and explain quantitatively the experimental observation of a resonance shift and trap-induced molecules in exited bands. Finally, we analyze the bound state admixture and Landau-Zener transition probabilities.
We investigate the effect of decoherence on Fano resonances in wave transmission through resonant scattering structures. We show that the Fano asymmetry parameter q follows, as a function of the strength of decoherence, trajectories in the complex plane that reveal detailed information on the underlying decoherence process. Dissipation and unitary dephasing give rise to manifestly different trajectories. Our predictions are successfully tested against microwave experiments using metal cavities with different absorption coefficients and against previously published data on transport through quantum dots. These results open up new possibilities for studying the effect of decoherence in a wide array of physical systems where Fano resonances are present.