Gravity dual of a multilayer system

Abstract in English

We construct a gravity dual to a system with multiple (2+1)-dimensional layers in a (3+1)-dimensional ambient theory. Following a top-down approach, we generate a geometry corresponding to the intersection of D3- and D5-branes along 2+1 dimensions. The D5-branes create a codimension one defect in the worldvolume of the D3-branes and are homogeneously distributed along the directions orthogonal to the defect. We solve the fully backreacted ten-dimensional supergravity equations of motion with smeared D5-brane sources. The solution is supersymmetric, has an intrinsic mass scale, and exhibits anisotropy at short distances in the gauge theory directions. We illustrate the running behavior in several observables, such as Wilson loops, entanglement entropy, and within thermodynamics of probe branes.
