Unveiling Hidden Orders: Magnetostriction as a Probe of Multipolar-Ordered States

Abstract in English

Broken symmetries in solids involving higher order multipolar degrees of freedom are historically referred to as hidden orders due to the formidable task of detecting them with conventional probes. Examples of such hidden orders include spin-nematic order in quantum magnets, and quadrupolar or higher multipolar orders in various correlated quantum materials. In this work, we theoretically propose that the study of magnetostriction provides a powerful and novel tool to directly detect higher-order multipolar symmetry breaking $-$ such as the elusive octupolar order $-$ by examining its scaling behaviour with respect to an applied magnetic field $h$. As an illustrative example, we examine such key scaling signatures in the context of Pr-based cage compounds with strongly correlated $f$-electrons, Pr(Ti,V,Ir)$_2$(Al,Zn)$_{20}$, whose low energy degrees of freedom are composed of purely higher-order multipoles: quadrupoles $mathcal{O}_{20,22}$ and octupole $mathcal{T}_{xyz}$. Employing a symmetry-based Landau theory of multipolar moments coupled to lattice strain fields, we demonstrate that a magnetic field applied along the [111] direction results in a length change with a distinct linear-in-$h$ scaling behaviour, accompanied by hysteresis, below the octupolar ordering temperature. We show that the resulting magnetostriction coefficient is directly proportional to the octupolar order parameter, providing the first clear access to this subtle order parameter. Along other field directions, we show that the field dependence of the magnetostriction provides a window into quadrupolar orders. Our work provides a springboard for future experimental and theoretical investigations of multipolar orders and their quantum phase transitions in a wide variety of systems.
