Propagation of Solar Energetic Particles in Three-dimensional Interplanetary Magnetic Fields: Radial Dependence of Peak Intensities

Abstract in English

A functional form I_{max}(R)=kR^{-alpha}, where R is the radial distance of spacecraft, was usually used to model the radial dependence of peak intensities I_{max}(R) of solar energetic particles (SEPs). In this work, the five-dimensional Fokker-Planck transport equation incorporating perpendicular diffusion is numerically solved to investigate the radial dependence of SEP peak intensities. We consider two different scenarios for the distribution of spacecraft fleet: (1) along the radial direction line, (2) along the Parker magnetic field line. We find that the index alpha in the above expression varies in a wide range, primarily depending on the properties (e.g., location, coverage) of SEP sources and on the longitudinal/latitudinal separations between the sources and the magnetic footpoints of the observers. Particularly, the situation that whether the magnetic footpoint of the observer is located inside or outside of the SEP source is a crucial factor determining the values of index alpha. A two-phase phenomenon is found in the radial dependence of peak intensities. The position of the breakpoint (transition point/critical point) is determined by the magnetic connection status of the observers. This finding suggests that a very careful examination of magnetic connection between SEP source and each spacecraft should be taken in the observational studies. We obtain a lower limit of R^{-1.7pm0.1} for empirically modelling the radial dependence of SEP peak intensities. Our findings in this work can be used to explain the majority of the previous multispacecraft survey results, and especially to reconcile the different/conflicting empirical values of index alpha in the literature.
