Robustness of error-suppressing entangling gates in cavity-coupled transmon qubits

Abstract in English

Superconducting transmon qubits comprise one of the most promising platforms for quantum information processing due to their long coherence times and to their scalability into larger qubit networks. However, their weakly anharmonic spectrum leads to spectral crowding in multiqubit systems, making it challenging to implement fast, high-fidelity gates while avoiding leakage errors. To address this challenge, we use a protocol known as SWIPHT [Phys. Rev. B 91, 161405(R) (2015)], which yields smooth, simple microwave pulses designed to suppress leakage without sacrificing gate speed through spectral selectivity. Here, we determine the parameter regimes in which SWIPHT is effective and demonstrate that in these regimes it systematically produces two-qubit gate fidelities for cavity-coupled transmons in the range 99.6%-99.9% with gate times as fast as 23 ns. Our results are obtained from full numerical simulations that include current experimental levels of relaxation and dephasing. These high fidelities persist over a wide range of system parameters that encompass many current experimental setups and are insensitive to small parameter variations and pulse imperfections.
