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Localization of Gamma-Ray Bursts using the Fermi Gamma-Ray Burst Monitor

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 Added by Valerie Connaughton
 Publication date 2014
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM) has detected over 1400 Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) since it began science operations in July, 2008. We use a subset of over 300 GRBs localized by instruments such as Swift, the Fermi Large Area Telescope, INTEGRAL, and MAXI, or through triangulations from the InterPlanetary Network (IPN), to analyze the accuracy of GBM GRB localizations. We find that the reported statistical uncertainties on GBM localizations, which can be as small as 1 degree, underestimate the distance of the GBM positions to the true GRB locations and we attribute this to systematic uncertainties. The distribution of systematic uncertainties is well represented (68% confidence level) by a 3.7 degree Gaussian with a non-Gaussian tail that contains about 10% of GBM-detected GRBs and extends to approximately 14 degrees. A more complex model suggests that there is a dependence of the systematic uncertainty on the position of the GRB in spacecraft coordinates, with GRBs in the quadrants on the Y-axis better localized than those on the X-axis.

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The Gamma-Ray Burst Monitor (GBM) will significantly augment the science return from the Fermi Observatory in the study of Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs). The primary objective of GBM is to extend the energy range over which bursts are observed downward from the energy range of the Large Area Telescope (LAT) on Fermi into the hard X-ray range where extensive previous data exist. A secondary objective is to compute burst locations on-board to allow re-orientiong the spacecraft so that the LAT can observe delayed emission from bright bursts. GBM uses an array of twelve sodium iodide scintillators and two bismuth germanate scintillators to detect gamma rays from ~8 keV to ~40 MeV over the full unocculted sky. The on-board trigger threshold is ~0.7 photons/cm2/s (50-300 keV, 1 s peak). GBM generates on-board triggers for ~250 GRBs per year.
We study the time-resolved spectra of eight GRBs observed by Fermi GBM in its first five years of mission, with 1 keV - 1 MeV fluence $f>1.0times10^{-4}$ erg cm$^{-2}$ and signal-to-noise level $text{S/N}geq10.0$ above 900 keV. We aim to constrain in detail the spectral properties of GRB prompt emission on a time-resolved basis and to discuss the theoretical implications of the fitting results in the context of various prompt emission models. We perform time-resolved spectral analysis using a variable temporal binning technique according to optimal S/N criteria, resulting in a total of 299 time-resolved spectra. We fit the Band function to all spectra and obtain the distributions for the low-energy power-law index $alpha$, the high-energy power-law index $beta$, the peak energy in the observed $ u F_ u$ spectrum $E_text{p}$, and the difference between the low- and high-energy power-law indices $Delta s=alpha-beta$. Using the distributions of $Delta s$ and $beta$, the electron population index $p$ is found to be consistent with the moderately fast scenario which fast- and slow-cooling scenarios cannot be distinguished. We also apply a physically motivated synchrotron model, which is a triple power-law with constrained power-law indices and a blackbody component, to test for consistency with a synchrotron origin for the prompt emission and obtain the distributions for the two break energies $E_text{b,1}$ and $E_text{b,2}$, the middle segment power-law index $beta$, and the Planck function temperature $kT$. A synchrotron model is found consistent with the majority of time-resolved spectra for these eight energetic Fermi GBM bursts with good high-energy photon statistics, as long as both the cooling and injection break are included and the leftmost spectral slope is lifted either by inclusion of a thermal component or when an evolving magnetic field is accounted for.
The CALET Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (CGBM) is the secondary scientific instrument of the CALET mission on the International Space Station (ISS), which is scheduled for launch by H-IIB/HTV in 2014. The CGBM provides a broadband energy coverage from 7 keV to 20 MeV, and simultaneous observations with the primary instrument Calorimeter (CAL) in the GeV - TeV gamma-ray range and Advanced Star Camera (ASC) in the optical for gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) and other X-gamma-ray transients. The CGBM consists of two kinds of scintillators: two LaBr$_3$(Ce) (7 keV - 1 MeV) and one BGO (100 keV - 20 MeV) each read by a single photomultiplier. The LaBr$_3$(Ce) crystal, used in space for the first time here for celestial gamma-ray observations, enables GRB observations over a broad energy range from low energy X-ray emissions to gamma rays. The detector performance and structures have been verified using the bread-board model (BBM) via vibration and thermal vacuum tests. The CALET is currently in the development phase of the proto-flight model (PFM) and the pre-flight calibration of the CGBM is planned for August 2013. In this paper, we report on the current status and expected performance of CALET for GRB observations.
The capability of the Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM) to localize gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) is evaluated for two different automated algorithms: the GBM Teams RoboBA algorithm and the independently developed BALROG algorithm. Through a systematic study utilizing over 500 GRBs with known locations from instruments like Swift and the Fermi LAT, we directly compare the effectiveness of, and accurately estimate the systematic uncertainty for, both algorithms. We show simple adjustments to the GBM Teams RoboBA, in operation since early 2016, yields significant improvement in the systematic uncertainty, removing the long tail identified in the systematic, and improves the overall accuracy. The systematic uncertainty for the updated RoboBA localizations is $1.8^circ$ for 52% of GRBs and $4.1^circ$ for the remaining 48%. Both from public reporting by BALROG and our systematic study, we find the systematic uncertainty of $1-2^circ$ quoted in GCN circulars for bright GRBs localized by BALROG is an underestimate of the true magnitude of the systematic, which we find to be $2.7^circ$ for 74% of GRBs and $33^circ$ for the remaining 26%. We show that, once the systematic uncertainty is considered, the RoboBA 90% localization confidence regions can be more than an order of magnitude smaller in area than those produced by BALROG.
The Fermi GBM Catalog has been recently published. Previous classification analyses of the BATSE, RHESSI, BeppoSAX, and Swift databases found three types of gamma-ray bursts. Now we analyzed the GBM catalog to classify the GRBs. PCA and Multiclustering analysis revealed three groups. Validation of these groups, in terms of the observed variables, shows that one of the groups coincides with the short GRBs. The other two groups split the long class into a bright and dim part, as defined by the peak flux. Additional analysis is needed to determine whether this splitting is only a mathematical byproduct of the analysis or has some real physical meaning.
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