Novel shape evolution in exotic Ni isotopes and configuration-dependent shell structure

Abstract in English

The shapes of neutron-rich exotic Ni isotopes are studied. Large-scale shell model calculations are performed by advanced Monte Carlo Shell Model (MCSM) for the $pf$-$g_{9/2}$-$d_{5/2}$ model space. Experimental energy levels are reproduced well by a single fixed Hamiltonian. Intrinsic shapes are analyzed for MCSM eigenstates. Intriguing interplays among spherical, oblate, prolate and gamma-unstable shapes are seen including shape fluctuations, $E$(5)-like situation, the magicity of doubly-magic $^{56,68,78}$Ni, and the coexistence of spherical and strongly deformed shapes. Regarding the last point, strong deformation and change of shell structure can take place simultaneously, being driven by the combination of the tensor force and changes of major configurations within the same nucleus.
