Induced Electroweak Symmetry Breaking and Supersymmetric Naturalness

Abstract in English

In this paper we study a new class of supersymmetric models that can explain a 125 GeV Higgs without fine-tuning. These models contain additional `auxiliary Higgs fields with large tree-level quartic interaction terms but no Yukawa couplings. These have electroweak-breaking vacuum expectation values, and contribute to the VEVs of the MSSM Higgs fields either through an induced quartic or through an induced tadpole. The quartic interactions for the auxiliary Higgs fields can arise from either D-terms or F-terms. The tadpole mechanism has been previously studied in strongly-coupled models with large D-terms, referred to as `superconformal technicolor. The perturbative models studied here preserve gauge coupling unification in the simplest possible way, namely that all new fields are in complete SU(5) multiplets. The models are consistent with the observed properties of the 125 GeV Higgs-like boson as well as precision electroweak constraints, and predict a rich phenomenology of new Higgs states at the weak scale. The tuning is less than 10% in almost all of the phenomenologically allowed parameter space. If electroweak symmetry is broken by an induced tadpole, the cubic and quartic Higgs self-couplings are significantly smaller than in the standard model.
