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In this paper we study a new class of supersymmetric models that can explain a 125 GeV Higgs without fine-tuning. These models contain additional `auxiliary Higgs fields with large tree-level quartic interaction terms but no Yukawa couplings. These have electroweak-breaking vacuum expectation values, and contribute to the VEVs of the MSSM Higgs fields either through an induced quartic or through an induced tadpole. The quartic interactions for the auxiliary Higgs fields can arise from either D-terms or F-terms. The tadpole mechanism has been previously studied in strongly-coupled models with large D-terms, referred to as `superconformal technicolor. The perturbative models studied here preserve gauge coupling unification in the simplest possible way, namely that all new fields are in complete SU(5) multiplets. The models are consistent with the observed properties of the 125 GeV Higgs-like boson as well as precision electroweak constraints, and predict a rich phenomenology of new Higgs states at the weak scale. The tuning is less than 10% in almost all of the phenomenologically allowed parameter space. If electroweak symmetry is broken by an induced tadpole, the cubic and quartic Higgs self-couplings are significantly smaller than in the standard model.
Introducing a source for a bi-local composite operator motivated by the perturbative expansion in gauge couplings, we calculate its effective potential in the renormalization group of Standard Model with no involvement of technicolor. The potential indicates the breaking of electroweak symmetry below a scale M due to a nonzero vacuum expectation value of neutral component for the SU(2)-doublet operator. At virtualities below a cut off Lambda we introduce the local higgs approximation for the effective fields of sources coupled to the composite operators. The value of Lambdaapprox 600 GeV is fixed by the measured masses of gauge vector bosons. The exploration of equations for infrared fixed points of calculated Yukawa constants allows us to evaluate the masses of heaviest fermion generation with a good accuracy, so that m_t(m_t) = 165pm 4 GeV, m_b(m_b) = 4.18pm 0.38 GeV and m_tau(m_tau) = 1.78pm 0.27 GeV. After a finite renormalization of effective fields for the sources of composite operators, the parameters of effective Higgs field potential are calculated at the scale of matching with the local theory Lambda. The fixed point for the Yukawa constant of t quark and the matching condition for the null effective potential at M drive the M value to the GUT scale. The equation for the infrared fixed point of quartic self-action allows us to get estimates for two almost degenerate scalar particles with m_H= 306pm 5 GeV, while third scalar coupled with the tau lepton is more heavy: m_{H_tau} = 552pm 9 GeV. Some phenomenological implications of the offered approach describing the effective scalar field, and a problem on three fermion generations are discussed.
We propose a novel mechanism of electroweak symmetry breaking in supersymmetric models, as the one recently discussed by Birkedal, Chacko and Gaillard, in which the Standard Model Higgs doublet is a pseudo-Goldstone boson of some global symmetry. The Higgs mass parameter is generated at one loop level by two different, moderately fine-tuned sources of the global symmetry breaking. The mechanism works for scalar superpartner masses of order 10 TeV, but gauginos can be light. The scale at which supersymmetry breaking is mediated to the visible sector has to be low, of order 100 TeV. Fine-tuning in the scalar potential is at least two orders of magnitude smaller than in the MSSM with similar soft scalar masses. The physical Higgs boson mass is (for $tanbetagg1$) in the range 120-135 GeV.
Based on our idea of an alternative supersymmetrization of the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model for dynamical symmetry breaking, we analyze the resulted new model with a holomorphic dimension-five operator in the superpotential. The approach provides a new direction for modeling dynamical symmetry breaking in a supersymmetric setting. In particular, we adopt the idea to formulate a model that gives rise to the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model as the low energy effective theory with both Higgs superfields as composites. A renormalization group analysis is performed to establish the phenomenological viability of the scenario, with admissible background scale that could go down to the TeV scale. We give the Higgs mass range predicted.
We review models of electroweak symmetry breaking due to new strong interactions at the TeV energy scale and discuss the prospects for their experimental tests. We emphasize the direct observation of the new interactions through high-energy scattering of vector bosons. We also discuss indirect probes of the new interactions and exotic particles predicted by specific theoretical models. [Working group summary report from the Snowmass `96 summer study, to appear in the proceedings.]