Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions: large-scale EEG influences on molecular processes

Abstract in English

Recent calculations further supports the premise that large-scale synchronous firings of neurons may affect molecular processes. The context is scalp electroencephalography (EEG) during short-term memory (STM) tasks. The mechanism considered is $mathbf{Pi} = mathbf{p} + q mathbf{A}$ (SI units) coupling, where $mathbf{p}$ is the momenta of free $mathrm{Ca}^{2+}$ waves $q$ the charge of $mathrm{Ca}^{2+}$ in units of the electron charge, and $mathbf{A}$ the magnetic vector potential of current $mathbf{I}$ from neuronal minicolumnar firings considered as wires, giving rise to EEG. Data has processed using multiple graphs to identify sections of data to which spline-Laplacian transformations are applied, to fit the statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions (SMNI) model to EEG data, sensitive to synaptic interactions subject to modification by $mathrm{Ca}^{2+}$ waves.
