On the spectrum of QCD-like theories and the conformal window

Abstract in English

We report on the spectrum of the SU(3) gauge theory with twelve flavours in the fundamental representation of the gauge group. We isolate distinctive features of the hadronic phase - the one proper of QCD at zero temperature - and the so called conformal phase. The latter should emerge at sufficiently large Nf and before the loss of asymptotic freedom. In particular, we analyse available lattice data for the spectrum of Nf=12 and include a comparison with results with Nf=16; the latter theory, predicted by the perturbative beta-function to develop an IRFP and therefore be in the conformal phase, can serve as a paradigm for the study of theories in the conformal window. Our analysis suggests that the theory with twelve flavours is in the conformal window, possibly close to its lower boundary.
