High resolution spectroscopy of Ne II emission from young stellar objects

Abstract in English

Constraining the spatial and thermal structure of the gaseous component of circumstellar disks is crucial to understand star and planet formation. Models predict that the [Ne II] line at 12.81 {mu}m detected in young stellar objects with Spitzer traces disk gas and its response to high energy radiation, but such [Ne II] emission may also originate in shocks within powerful outflows. To distinguish between these potential origins for mid-infrared [Ne II] emission and to constrain disk models, we observed 32 young stellar objects using the high resolution (R~30000) mid-infrared spectrograph VISIR at the VLT. We detected the 12.81 {mu}m [Ne II] line in 12 objects, tripling the number of detections of this line in young stellar objects with high spatial and spectral resolution spectrographs. We obtain the following main results: a) In Class I objects the [Ne II] emission observed from Spitzer is mainly due to gas at a distance of more than 20-40 AU from the star, where neon is, most likely, ionized by shocks due to protostellar outflows. b) In transition and pre-transition disks, most of the emission is confined to the inner disk, within 20-40 AU from the central star. c) Detailed analysis of line profiles indicates that, in transition and pre-transition disks, the line is slightly blue-shifted (2-12 km s{^-1}) with respect to the stellar velocity, and the line width is directly correlated with the disk inclination, as expected if the emission is due to a disk wind. d) Models of EUV/X-ray irradiated disks reproduce well the observed relation between the line width and the disk inclination, but underestimate the blue-shift of the line.
