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Berry Phase and Fidelity in the Dicke model with $A^{2}$ term

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 Added by Qing-Hu Chen
 Publication date 2009
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The instability, so-called the quantum-phase-like transition, in the Dicke model with a rotating-wave approximation for finite $N$ atoms is investigated in terms of the Berry phase and the fidelity. It can be marked by the discontinuous behavior of these quantities as a function of the atom-field coupling parameter. Involving an additional field $A^{2}$ term, it is observed that the instability is not eliminated beyond the characteristic atom-field coupling parameter even for strong interaction of the bosonic fields, contrarily to the previous studies.

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We investigate quantum phase transitions, quantum criticality, and Berry phase for the ground state of an ensemble of non-interacting two-level atoms embedded in a non-linear optical medium, coupled to a single-mode quantized electromagnetic field. The optical medium is pumped externally through a classical electric field, so that there is a degenerate parametric amplification effect, which strongly modifies the field dynamics without affecting the atomic sector. Through a semiclassical description the different phases of this extended Dicke model are described. The quantum phase transition is characterized with the expectation values of some observables of the system as well as the Berry phase and its first derivative, where such quantities serve as order parameters. It is remarkable that the model allows the control of the quantum criticality through a suitable choice of the parameters of the non-linear optical medium, which could make possible the use of a low intensity laser to access the superradiant region experimentally.
We calculate numerically the fidelity and its susceptibility for the ground state of the Dicke model. A minimum in the fidelity identifies the critical value of the interaction where a quantum phase crossover, the precursor of a phase transition for finite number of atoms N, takes place. The evolution of these observables is studied as a function of N, and their critical exponents evaluated. Using the critical exponents the universal curve for the specific susceptibility is recovered. An estimate to the precision to which the ground state wave function is numerically calculated is given, and found to have its lowest value, for a fixed truncation, in a vicinity of the critical coupling.
Two-level atoms interacting with a one mode cavity field at zero temperature have order parameters which reflect the presence of a quantum phase transition at a critical value of the atom-cavity coupling strength. Two popular examples are the number of photons inside the cavity and the number of excited atoms. Coherent states provide a mean field description, which becomes exact in the thermodynamic limit. Employing symmetry adapted (SA) SU(2) coherent states (SACS) the critical behavior can be described for a finite number of atoms. A variation after projection treatment, involving a numerical minimization of the SA energy surface, associates the finite number phase transition with a discontinuity in the order parameters, which originates from a competition between two local minima in the SA energy surface.
Within the numerically exact solution to the Dicke model proposed previously, we study the quantum criticality in terms of the ground-state (GS) energy, fidelity, and the order parameter. The finite size scaling analysis for the average fidelity susceptibility (FS) and second derivative of GS energy are performed. The correlation length exponent is obtained to be $ u=2/3$, which is the same as that in Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model obtained previously, suggesting the same universality. It is observed that average FS and second derivative of GS energy show similar critical behavior, demonstrating the intrinsic relation in the Dicke model. The scaling behavior for the order parameter and the singular part of the GS energy at the critical point are also analyzed and the obtained exponents are consistent with the previous scaling hypothesis in 1/N expansion scheme.
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