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Galaxies are complex systems the evolution of which apparently results from the interplay of dynamics, star formation, chemical enrichment, and feedback from supernova explosions and supermassive black holes. The hierarchical theory of galaxy formation holds that galaxies are assembled from smaller pieces, through numerous mergers of cold dark matter. The properties of an individual galaxy should be controlled by six independent parameters including mass, angular-momentum, baryon-fraction, age and size, as well as by the accidents of its recent haphazard merger history. Here we report that a sample of galaxies that were first detected through their neutral hydrogen radio-frequency emission, and are thus free of optical selection effects, shows five independent correlations among six independent observables, despite having a wide range of properties. This implies that the structure of these galaxies must be controlled by a single parameter, although we cannot identify this parameter from our dataset. Such a degree of organisation appears to be at odds with hierarchical galaxy formation, a central tenet of the cold dark matter paradigm in cosmology.
Normal galaxies observed at z>6, when the Universe was <1 billion years old, thus far show no evidence of the cold dust that accompanies star formation in the local Universe, where the dust-to-gas mass ratio is 1%. A prototypical example is Himiko (z=6.6), which a mere 840 Myr after the Big Bang is forming stars at a rate of 30-100 Msun/yr, yielding a mass assembly time M^{star}/SFR 150x10^6 yr. Himiko is estimated to have a low fraction (2-3% of the Solar value) of elements heavier than helium (metallicity), and although its gas mass cannot be asserted at this time its dust-to-stellar mass ratio is constrained to be <0.05%. The local galaxy I Zw 18, with a metallicity 4% solar and forming stars less rapidly than Himiko but still vigorously for its mass (M^{star}/SFR 1.6x10^9 yr), is also very dust deficient and perhaps one of the best analogues of primitive galaxies accessible to detailed study. Here we report observations of dust emission from I Zw 18 from which we determine its dust mass to be 450-1800 Msun, yielding a dust-to-stellar mass ratio approx 10^{-6}-10^{-5} and a dust-to-gas mass ratio 3.2-13x10^{-6}. If I Zw 18 is a reasonable analog of Himiko, then Himikos dust mass is approx 50,000 Msun, a factor of 100 below the current upper limit. These numbers are considerably uncertain, but if most high-z galaxies are more like Himiko than like the quasar host SDSS J114816.64+525150.3, then the prospects for detecting the gas and dust in them are much poorer than hitherto anticipated.
Supergranules are believed to be an evidence for large-scale subsurface convection. The vertical component of the supergranular flow field is very hard to measure, but it is considered only a few m/s in and below the photosphere. Here I present the results of the analysis using three-dimensional inversion for time-distance helioseismology that indicate existence of the large-magnitude vertical upflow in the near sub-surface layers. Possible issues and consequences of this inference are also discussed.
The $rmLambda$CDM cosmological model is remarkable: with just 6 parameters it describes the evolution of the Universe from a very early time when all structures were quantum fluctuations on subatomic scales to the present, and it is consistent with a wealth of high-precision data, both laboratory measurements and astronomical observations. However, the foundation of $rmLambda$CDM involves physics beyond the standard model of particle physics: particle dark matter, dark energy and cosmic inflation. Until this `new physics is clarified, $rmLambda$CDM is at best incomplete and at worst a phenomenological construct that accommodates the data. I discuss the path forward, which involves both discovery and disruption, some grand challenges and finally the limits of scientific cosmology.
We report the discovery of five new dwarf novae from the Hamburg Quasar Survey (HQS), and discuss the properties of the sample of dwarf novae in the HQS. The orbital periods of the new dwarf novae are ~105.1 min or ~109.9 min, 114.3+-2.7 min, 92.66+-0.17 min, 272.317+-0.001 min, 258.02+-0.56 min for HS0417+7445, HS1016+3412, HS1340+1524, HS1857+7127, and HS2214+2845, respectively. HS1857+7127 is found to be partially eclipsing. In HS2214+2845 the secondary star of spectral type M3+-1 is clearly detected, and we estimate the distance to the system to be d=390+-40 pc. We recorded one superoutburst of the SU UMa system HS0417+7445. HS1016+3412 and HS1340+1524 have rare outbursts, and their subtype is yet undetermined. HS1857+7127 frequently varies in brightness and may be a Z Cam-type dwarf nova. HS2214+2845 is a U Gem-type dwarf nova with a most likely cycle length of 71 d. To date, 14 new dwarf novae have been identified in the HQS. The ratio of short-period (<3 h) to long-period (>3 h) systems of this sample is 1.3, much smaller compared to the ratio of 2.7 found for all known dwarf novae. The HQS dwarf novae display typically infrequent or low-amplitude outburst activity, underlining the strength of spectroscopic selection in identifying new CVs independently of their variability. The spectroscopic properties of short-period CVs in the HQS suggest that most of them are still evolving towards the minimum period. Their total number agrees with the predictions of population models within an order of magnitude. However, the bulk of all CVs is predicted to have evolved past the minimum period, and those systems remain unidentified. Those post-bounce systems may have markedly weaker Hbeta emission lines compared to the average known short-period CVs, and probably undergo no or extremely rare outbursts.
We present new broad-band optical images of some merging Seyfert galaxies that were earlier considered to be non-interacting objects. On our deep images obtained at the Russian 6-m telescope we have detected elongated tidal envelopes belonging to satellites debris with a surface R-band brightness about 25-26.5 mag/arcsec^2. These structures are invisible in Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) pictures because of their photometric limit. We found that 35 per cent of the sample of isolated galaxies has undergone merging during the last 0.5-1 Gyr. Our results suggest that statistic studies based on popular imaging surveys (SDSS or Second Palomar Observatory Sky Survey (POSS-II)) can lead to underestimation of the fraction of minor mergers among galaxies with active nuclei (AGN). This fact impacts on statistics and must be taken into consideration when finding connection between minor/major merging or interactions and nucleus activity.