Assessment of the quality of higher professional education on the basis of professional and social accreditation
published by 2017 IEEE VI Forum Strategic Partnership of Universities and Enterprises of Hi-Tech Branches (Science. Education. Innovations)(SPUE)
in 2017
in Administration Science
and research's language is
Abstract in English
Professional-public accreditation is aimed at developing a system of recommendations for improving the quality of educational programs in higher education. As is known in experts on professional-public accreditation includes representatives of employers, education and students. Nevertheless, due to the lack of regulations and forms of reports, it can be observed that in a number of reporting documents there is no information about the relationship of the educational institution with employers. In addition, there is no single database on which educational programs and in which professional and public expert communities have been accredited. Thus, the effectiveness of professional-public accreditation is currently low. To increase the importance of this procedure, it is necessary to increase the importance of employers 'and students' unions when implementing procedures or professional and public accreditation.
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