The mechanism of activating urban governance in Syrian cities

Abstract in English

Syria began to head towards decentralization in 1971, but the real trend was in 2011, when the focus was on the decentralization and the financial and administrative independence of the administrative units. In 2021, the financial law of the new administrative units was issued .This study aims to derive an appropriate activation mechanism for urban governance due to its importance, especially in the next stage of reconstruction in Syria. This mechanism was reached by analyzing two global experiences in addition to the Syrian situation, besides a number of personal interviews and a questionnaire of some workers in the competent authorities. Accordingly, the researcher has put a number of proposals to activate urban governance, which include separating the powers and controlling administrative divisions to suit the limits of units, activating the neighborhood boards mentioned in Law ١٠٧, canceling the administrative and financial will and relying on subsequent judicial oversight, and accurate monitoring to implement the agenda of administrative units, and giving local councils a greater authority, especially in the field of forming partnerships with the Businesses and NGOs/CBOs/CSOs sectors according to detailed legal rules, in addition to the establishment of a central advisory agency on which local councils depend on the new issues that they are exposed to.

References used

2012 ) . القانون الاداري المبادئ العامة .منشو ا رت جامعة البعث. - نحیلي ,س .( 2013
