Skeletal and Dentoalveolar Changes Following Surgically Assisted Rapid Maxillary Expansion by Using Buccal Corticotomy with Two Palatal Osteotomies ( Comparative Clinical and Radiographic study)

Abstract in English

Maxillary stenosis is a common skeletal disorder. There are many surgical techniques used to treat maxillary stenosis in adults. One of these techniques is the surgically assisted maxillary expansion technique, around which studies differed in terms of surgical technique and the resulting structural and alveolar effects.

References used

الموصلي , رفاه. تقييم التغيرات القحفية الوجهية بعد التوسيع الجراحي السريع للفك العلوي باستخدام التصوير المقطعي المحوسب . ( ماجستير) , سورية , جامعة دمشق 2009
