Perceptual Speed and its relationship to problem-solving

Abstract in English

Students in most schools face the problems and challenges of diverse influence the curriculum student success in adaptation and its compatibility with the school in general, these problems are varied as predominantly some mental character, such as appropriate between capacity and preparations on the one hand, and between the requirements of the study, on the other hand, some of which arise as a result of a lack of information that the student needs it and a lot McCann doubled in the public mental capacity and the ability to focus disorder cause of the important reasons influencing academic achievement. Due to the fact that perception plays a vital role in the process of solving problems as a primary entrance and the process leading up to the thought process comes after the process of attention and access to the right solution. Solving problems requires awareness of this problem and understand the requirements to find a solution quickly. If the problem-solving process that requires a set of independent operations have these three characteristics, "the speed, precision, perseverance," the perception is responsible for briefing with data problem and the solution with the participation of other important functions, such as attention and memory types, levels, it will be logical and natural that varies individuals in the rate of time you need these operations, as well as in the period Satfawton Imkthonha in the performance of these tasks (zest and others 1990.16)Studies and research conducted on the problem-solving attention of researchers in most parts of the world, but in specific areas of specialized physical geography, math science curriculum has indicated, but there are few attempts to use problem-solving in the field of humanities skills by science researcher such as studying the effectiveness of a program to develop thinking skills associated with resolving the problems Mansour (2004), Syria and study the ability to solve problems and skills beyond the knowledge of the ordinary and talented Justice Abdul Wahab (2003) and the study of the elationship between the estimate and solving personal problems and some emotional disorders to Fayed (2001), but the relationship between the speed of cognitive problem solving did not receive the study and attention by Most specialists in the field of cognitive psychology while important studies in this small area, especially in adolescence, which is one of the important stages throughout the human throughout his life to see their ability to solve the problems they face and speed in solving stage, it is noticeable that the students have weak solution problems they face in their daily lives Kalmchklat school with regard to speed, precision and perseverance to follow or social problems. Based on the above, the current research is an attempt to study the relationship between the speed of cognitive and problem-solving among a sample of second grade general secondary students in the province of Damascus. It can identify the main problem of the research question follows: What is the relationship between the speed of cognitive and problem-solving among a sample of second grade students of secondary branches of literary and scientific in the province of Damascus?

References used

John M. Grohol,(2013): Common Cognitive Distortions, Psych Central. Retrieved on April 1, 2015, from
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