The Execution of the Electronic Administrative Decision

Abstract in English

The administrative decision is the most important mean of expressing the will of the public administration. Such decision is one of the important subject-matters of administrative law, which is distinguished by being flexible and developed, as in consequence, it fits to have the capacity for all recent developments of administrative life. The recent developments of administrative life impose on legal researchers to search for ideas and new means, where the electronic government is the most significant one, which enable the public administration to use recent technological means in order to provide its services to the public. This requires the administration to express its will through releasing its administrative decisions by using the same electronic means. We try through this research to deal with the most important subject-matter of the electronic administrative decision, which is the execution of such decision. The execution creates the legal consequences of such decision, where we have to analyze the essence of the electronic administrative decision and means of executing such decision against individuals and the administration itself.

References used

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