This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of Electronic ‎evaluation‏ ‏assessments using the technology acceptance model (TAM) ‎from the point of view of faculty members in light of the Corona ‎pandemic‎

Abstract in English

This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of Electronic ‎evaluation‏ ‏assessments using the technology acceptance model (TAM) ‎from the point of view of faculty members in light of the Corona ‎pandemic. the researcher used the relational analytical descriptive ‎approach, and the study community may be from all the faculty ‎members at Khadouri Technical University, who are in number ( 100), ‎and (62) members were reached, and they were approved as a sample ‎for the study. The study tool consisted of a questionnaire of (52) ‎paragraphs, with a degree of reliability (0.928) for Cronbach Alpha, ‎distributed over the fields of study: (quality of information, accuracy of ‎measurement, expected benefit ); by relying on the TAM model of ‎technology acceptance and in addition to open questions that allow ‎students to add any observations from their point of view, the results ‎showed that the arithmetic average of the total score for all fields ‎obtained an average score (3.3635) in light of the Corona pandemic, ‎and reached the positive correlation between the field of quality ‎Information and expected benefit and between the field of measurement ‎accuracy and the expected benefit, the study reached a number of ‎recommendations:‎ ‎1.‎ Developing a model of technology acceptance in line with the ‎rapid changes in the field of educational technology.‎ ‎2.‎ Creating government policies that ensure building a strong ‎foundation for Electronic evaluation‏ ‏learning, to be adopted by ‎universities as a general plan to guide the university, to ensure the ‎quality of the outputs resulting from Electronic evaluation‏ ‏assessments, including shifting towards alternative assessments ‎in some courses, providing a safe browser or requiring from ‎students to open the camera during the evaluation session.‎

References used

Yulia, H.(2020). Online learning to prevent the spread of pandemic corona virus in Indonesia. ‎‎(ETERNAL) (English Teaching Journal),11(1).‎
