the degree of high school technology teachers' practice of international technology standards in ‎the field of education (ISTE) in teaching the content of the Palestinian technology curriculum‎

Abstract in English

‏ ‏The study aimed to identify the degree of high school technology teachers' practice of ‎international technical standards in the field of education (ISTE) in teaching the content of the ‎Palestinian technology curriculum, and to achieve this, the researcher constructed a questionnaire ‎consisting of (50) items distributed into (5) fields, which were distributed to the study sample ‎The size of (80) male and female teachers, and in order to analyze the data, use arithmetic means ‎and standard deviations, (T) test for independent samples, analysis of single variance, and (LSD) ‎test. The results indicated that the degree of technology teachers ’practice in the secondary stage of ‎international technical standards in the field of education (ISTE) in teaching the content of the ‎Palestinian technology curriculum is large, as the arithmetic average is (3.78). The results also ‎indicated that there are no statistically significant differences between the averages of the study ‎sample responses the degree to which technology teachers practice international technology ‎standards in the field of education (ISTE). In teaching curriculum content in public secondary ‎schools, it is attributed to the variable of gender, academic qualification, years of experience, and ‎the number of training courses. The results also indicated the existence of significant differences ‎a statistic between the averages of the study sample responses the degree of technology teachers ‎‎’practice of international technical standards in the field of education (ISTE) in teaching ‎curriculum content in government secondary schools attributable to the variable of academic ‎specialization, and based on the results of the study, the researcher recommended the need to ‎continue using technology books for the eleventh and second grades Ten tenths in teaching in ‎Palestinian schools because of their inclusion and guarantee of international standards for ‎technology in the field of education (ISTE)‎‏.‏

References used

علاونه , عامر . (2020), تقويم كتب التكنولوجيا للصف العاشر والحادي عشر والثاني عشر في ‏ضوء المعايير العالمية للتكنولوجيا في مجال التعليم(‏‎(ISTE‏ , مجلة جامعة فلسطين للأبحاث و ‏الدراسات , المجلد (10) العدد (2) , ابريل ,2020.‏
