The usage of mobile phone in the development of academic education in dentistry
published by Tishreen University
in 2020
in Dentistry
and research's language is
Abstract in English
This research aims to study the positives of using the mobile phone in the development of academic education in the faculty of dentistry.
References used
Al Dahshan, Jamal. 2016. Using the mobile phone in education: between advocation and rejection. Retrieved May, 2016 from blog-post_27.html,
Andraus, Tayseer Selim. 2012. Mobile learning technology, a theoretical study published in The Cybrarians Journal. Retrieved April, 2016 from http://www.journal. .edu&cat id=259: studies & Itemid = 92
Al-Dahshan, Jamal and Majdi, Younis. 2010. Mobile Education: a new version of distance learning. A paper presented to the First International Conference of The Omani Society for Educational Technology 2010, .Sultanate of Oman 6 Amman, 6-8 December 2010
Mobile Phone Applications in the University Classroom: .)3813( .Ashour.1 Learning and Digital –E .perceptions of undergraduate students in Jordan .Media 3