The impact of corruption on education dissector indicators in Iraq post-2003

Abstract in English

Corruption is a wide phenomenon of proliferation and behavior contrary to all laws and regulations, and contradicts the values and principles of Islamic law, and is a form of State collapse and the loss of current and future generations rights as he represents one of the obstacles to economic development in general and education, in particular through its impact on key indicators of education in Iraq through a direct impact on these indicators and the impact of this phenomenon of a negative impact led to the disparity of income between the different segments of society and the spread of the phenomenon of illiteracy in the education and poor knowledge of the rate in reading and writing and the collapse of the health sector, which calls for control and concerted one-state institutions efforts and the need for cooperation among States to reduce them, and continuity is linked to the desire of man to get a physical or moral gains illegally and be clear heavily in developing, particularly in government institutions, communities, and that this phenomenon multiple types and manifestations of the outcome several reasons, including economic, political, social, and may be internal or external, leaving profound effects on the economies of the countries, particularly developing countries, the study was based on the premise that financial corruption traces negative on the process of education and the fight against financial corruption process through the activation of the role of the relevant regulatory institutions and develop laws strictly limiting its spread for the advancement of education and make it better and showed the importance of the study of financial corruption task and contemporary with an economic and social impact of the issue is Ba_i_ra phenomenon of financial corruption in Iraq and its impact on disability and education process and the resulting damage and loss of confidence in the state and lack of respect for laws.

References used

U N D P , Human Development Report 2002, New York ,2002 ,p33
Transparency International Organization , Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index 2002 , Press officer Jana , Berlin, 2002, P6 . Web site:
