Studying the possibility of using marine plants residues as an agricultural media in nurseries

Abstract in English

This research was carried out during the period of (2010-2013) to study the possibility of benefiting from the raw seaweeds residues accumulated on the Syrian beach in obtaining an alternative substrates instead of the traditional one for using in nurseries especially forestry and thus reducing the peat moss importation and saving the currency, at the same time salvation the environment from the organic plant waste and improve the seashores appearance. This research included two main experiments which were: First: Substrates experiment Second: Soaking seeds in seaweeds extract experiment Finally it should be noted that this described work has added some important positive results in choosing a new substrates which will help in the future to solve the traditional and imported media problems, and it also provided an effective and economical solution for marine plant waste management and disposal from the environmental pollution in the coastal regions.

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