Abstract in English

Empowerment is considered as one of the modern management practices, which occupies a great space of administrators' and decision-makers' thinking, due to its effects & positive impacts which extend from the organization and its employees to the community as a whole. Also ( good governance ) is one of the most important administrative issue which has lots of attention at the current period, and its importance stems from the results and the positive effects of it; Where Governance ensures rational use of available resources, fight against administrative corruption, achieve the objectives of the state according to the best standards, which contribute to improve the standard of living for individuals and contribute to eradicate poverty and achieve social development. The researcher has studied the relationship between the two concepts of ex- empowerment and good governance through the study of the relationship of each of them with the ethics and development. The community of study was the banking sector, both public and private, while the sample was an intentional sample. The researcher distributed (313) questionnaires, and the most important results were: 1. Governance is Applied significantly in the private banking sector more than in the public banking sector. 2. the principles of empowerment are applied in public banking sector more than in private banking sector. 3. No statistically significant relationship between the empowerment of workers and the degree of disclosure and transparency applied in banks.

References used

1. Anne Mette Kjaer (2004) - Governance - Polity Press Wiley, Black Well. 2. Brain Clive Smith (2007) – Good Governance & Development – U.S.A Palgrave Macmillan. 3. Blanchard, Kenneth H (2010). – Leading at a Higher Level – U.S.A. BMC, Blanchard Management corporation publishing. 4. Cynthia D. Scott & Dennis T Jaffe , (1991) - Empowerment : A practical Guide for success - Crisp publications Inc., California.
