Unsupervised Contextualized Document Representation

Abstract in English

Several NLP tasks need the effective repre-sentation of text documents.Arora et al.,2017 demonstrate that simple weighted aver-aging of word vectors frequently outperformsneural models. SCDV (Mekala et al., 2017)further extends this from sentences to docu-ments by employing soft and sparse cluster-ing over pre-computed word vectors. How-ever, both techniques ignore the polysemyand contextual character of words.In thispaper, we address this issue by proposingSCDV+BERT(ctxd), a simple and effective un-supervised representation that combines con-textualized BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) basedword embedding for word sense disambigua-tion with SCDV soft clustering approach. Weshow that our embeddings outperform origi-nal SCDV, pre-train BERT, and several otherbaselines on many classification datasets. Wealso demonstrate our embeddings effective-ness on other tasks, such as concept match-ing and sentence similarity.In addition,we show that SCDV+BERT(ctxd) outperformsfine-tune BERT and different embedding ap-proaches in scenarios with limited data andonly few shots examples.

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