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Inhibitory synchrony as a mechanism for attentional gain modulation

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 Added by Paul Tiesinga
 Publication date 2005
  fields Biology
and research's language is English

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Recordings from area V4 of monkeys have revealed that when the focus of attention is on a visual stimulus within the receptive field of a cortical neuron, two distinct changes can occur: The firing rate of the neuron can change and there can be an increase in the coherence between spikes and the local field potential in the gamma-frequency range (30-50 Hz). The hypothesis explored here is that these observed effects of attention could be a consequence of changes in the synchrony of local interneuron networks. We performed computer simulations of a Hodgkin-Huxley type neuron driven by a constant depolarizing current, I, representing visual stimulation and a modulatory inhibitory input representing the effects of attention via local interneuron networks. We observed that the neurons firing rate and the coherence of its output spike train with the synaptic inputs was modulated by the degree of synchrony of the inhibitory inputs. The model suggest that the observed changes in firing rate and coherence of neurons in the visual cortex could be controlled by top-down inputs that regulated the coherence in the activity of a local inhibitory network discharging at gamma frequencies.

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172 - Sungho Hong 2008
In many cases, the computation of a neural system can be reduced to a receptive field, or a set of linear filters, and a thresholding function, or gain curve, which determines the firing probability; this is known as a linear/nonlinear model. In some forms of sensory adaptation, these linear filters and gain curve adjust very rapidly to changes in the variance of a randomly varying driving input. An apparently similar but previously unrelated issue is the observation of gain control by background noise in cortical neurons: the slope of the firing rate vs current (f-I) curve changes with the variance of background random input. Here, we show a direct correspondence between these two observations by relating variance-dependent changes in the gain of f-I curves to characteristics of the changing empirical linear/nonlinear model obtained by sampling. In the case that the underlying system is fixed, we derive relationships relating the change of the gain with respect to both mean and variance with the receptive fields derived from reverse correlation on a white noise stimulus. Using two conductance-based model neurons that display distinct gain modulation properties through a simple change in parameters, we show that coding properties of both these models quantitatively satisfy the predicted relationships. Our results describe how both variance-dependent gain modulation and adaptive neural computation result from intrinsic nonlinearity.
Spike time response curves (STRCs) are used to study the influence of synaptic stimuli on the firing times of a neuron oscillator without the assumption of weak coupling. They allow us to approximate the dynamics of synchronous state in networks of neurons through a discrete map. Linearization about the fixed point of the discrete map can then be used to predict the stability of patterns of synchrony in the network. General theory for taking into account the contribution from higher order STRC terms, in the approximation of the discrete map for coupled neuronal oscillators in synchrony is still lacking. Here we present a general framework to account for higher order STRC corrections in the approximation of discrete map to determine the domain of 1:1 phase locking state in the network of two interacting neurons. We begin by demonstrating that the effect of synaptic stimuli through a shunting synapse to a neuron firing in the gamma frequency band (20-80 Hz) last for three consecutive firing cycles. We then show that the discrete map derived by taking into account the higher order STRC contributions is successfully able predict the domain of synchronous 1:1 phase locked state in a network of two heterogeneous interneurons coupled through a shunting synapse.
Neurons process information by transforming barrages of synaptic inputs into spiking activity. Synaptic inhibition suppresses the output firing activity of a neuron, and is commonly classified as having a subtractive or divisive effect on a neurons output firing activity. Subtractive inhibition can narrow the range of inputs that evoke spiking activity by eliminating responses to non-preferred inputs. Divisive inhibition is a form of gain control: it modifies firing rates while preserving the range of inputs that evoke firing activity. Since these two modes of inhibition have distinct impacts on neural coding, it is important to understand the biophysical mechanisms that distinguish these response profiles. We use simulations and mathematical analysis of a neuron model to find the specific conditions for which inhibitory inputs have subtractive or divisive effects. We identify a novel role for the A-type Potassium current (IA). In our model, this fast-activating, slowly- inactivating outward current acts as a switch between subtractive and divisive inhibition. If IA is strong (large maximal conductance) and fast (activates on a time-scale similar to spike initiation), then inhibition has a subtractive effect on neural firing. In contrast, if IA is weak or insufficiently fast-activating, then inhibition has a divisive effect on neural firing. We explain these findings using dynamical systems methods to define how a spike threshold condition depends on synaptic inputs and IA. Our findings suggest that neurons can self-regulate the gain control effects of inhibition via combinations of synaptic plasticity and/or modulation of the conductance and kinetics of A-type Potassium channels. This novel role for IA would add flexibility to neurons and networks, and may relate to recent observations of divisive inhibitory effects on neurons in the nucleus of the solitary tract.
96 - H. Sebastian Seung 2018
A companion paper introduces a nonlinear network with Hebbian excitatory (E) neurons that are reciprocally coupled with anti-Hebbian inhibitory (I) neurons and also receive Hebbian feedforward excitation from sensory (S) afferents. The present paper derives the network from two normative principles that are mathematically equivalent but conceptually different. The first principle formulates unsupervised learning as a constrained optimization problem: maximization of S-E correlations subject to a copositivity constraint on E-E correlations. A combination of Legendre and Lagrangian duality yields a zero-sum continuous game between excitatory and inhibitory connections that is solved by the neural network. The second principle defines a zero-sum game between E and I cells. E cells want to maximize S-E correlations and minimize E-I correlations, while I cells want to maximize I-E correlations and minimize power. The conflict between I and E objectives effectively forces the E cells to decorrelate from each other, although only incompletely. Legendre duality yields the neural network.
Simple spike synchrony between Purkinje cells projecting to a common neuron in the deep cerebellar nucleus is emerging as an important factor in the encoding of output information from cerebellar cortex. Stochastic synchronization is a viable mechanism through which this synchrony could be generated, but it has received scarce attention, perhaps because the presence of feedforward inhibition in the input to Purkinje cells makes insights difficult. This paper presents a method to account for feedforward inhibition so the usual mathematical approaches to stochastic synchronization can be applied. Three concepts (input correlation, heterogeneity, and PRC shape) are then introduced to facilitate an intuitive understanding of how different factors can affect synchronization in Purkinje cells. This is followed by a discussion of how stochastic synchrony could play a role in the cerebellar response under different assumptions.
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