Two-dimensional sideband Raman cooling and Zeeman state preparation in an optical lattice

Abstract in English

A method of sideband Raman cooling to the vibrational ground state of the $m=0$ Zeeman sublevel in a far-detuned two-dimensional optical lattice is proposed. In our scheme, the Raman coupling between vibrational manifolds of the adjacent Zeeman sublevels is shifted to the red sideband due to the ac Stark effect induced by a weak pump field. Thus, cooling and optical pumping to $m=0$ is achieved by purely optical means with coplanar cw laser beams. The optical lattice and cooling parameters are estimated in the framework of simple theoretical models. An application of the transverse sideband cooling method to frequency standards is discussed. Coherent population trapping for the sideband Raman transitions between the degenerate vibrational levels is predicted.
