Cost Effective Electronics for Proportional and Drift Chambers of EPECUR Experiment

Abstract in English

EPECUR experiment setup is under construction at the beam line 322 of the ITEP proton synchrotron. The experiment requires several large area drift chambers to provide reasonable acceptance and fine pitch proportional chambers for beam particle tracking with total number of electronic channels of about 7000. New compact and cost effective readout system for these gaseous detectors was designed, prototyped and tested in the latest two years based on the modern technologies in analog and digital electronics, as well as in data transfer protocols. Mass production of the proportional chamber electronics is close to the end, while the boards for the drift chambers are manufactured in the amount to equip one 8-plane module. The paper presents the functional description of the whole DAQ system and its main parts together with some of the test results as an illustration of the excellent performance of the system. The appendix contains specific information which may be useful for the system users or code developers.
