The Status of Turkic Accelerator Complex Proposal

Abstract in English

Recently, the Turkic Accelerator Complex (TAC) is proposed as a regional facility for accelerator based fundamental and applied research. The complex will include linac on ring type electron-positron collider as a phi, charm and tau factory, linac based free electron laser (FEL), ring based third generation synchrotron radiation (SR) source and a few GeV proton accelerator. Preliminary estimations show that integral luminosity of hundred inverse femto-barns per year can be achieved for factory options. The FEL facility is planned to obtain laser beam between IR and soft X-ray region. In addition, SR facility will produce photon beams in UV and X-ray region. The proton accelerator will give opportunity to produce muon and neutron beams for applied research. The current status of the conceptual study of the complex is presented.
