A Control System of the Joint-Project Accelerator Complex

Abstract in English

The current status of the control system for a new high intensity proton accelerator, the JAERI-KEK Joint Project, is presented. The Phase 1 of the Joint-Project has been approved and recently started its construction at JAERI site at Tokai. The first beam commissioning is scheduled in 2006. In parallel with it, a 60-MeV Linac is now being constructed at KEK site at Tsukuba for R&D purpose. Recently the Project has officially decided to use the Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS). Under the EPICS environment, we are challenging to implement the Ethernet/IP network for all communication, even at the level of end-point controllers which are so far connected via a field bus. In order to realize such a system, three new controllers (PLCs, WE7000 stations and general-purpose Ethernet boards) are being developed. A prototype EPICS driver for the PLCs works fine and is used to control the ion-source at the KEK Linac.
