Answer of the most important unsettled question of physical theory in 20th century

Abstract in English

Quantum mechanics take the sum of first finite order approximate solutions of time-dependent perturbation to substitute the exact solution. From the point of mathematics, it may be correct only in the convergent region of the time-dependent perturbation series. Where is the convergent region of this series? Quantum mechanics did not answer this problem. However it is relative to the question, can we use the Schrodinger equation to describe the transition processes? So it is the most important unsettling problem of physical theory. We find out the time-dependent approximate solution for arbitrary and the exact solution. Then we can prove that: (1) In the neighborhood of the conservation of energy, the series is divergent. The basic error of quantum mechanics is using the sum of the first finite orders approximate solutions to substitute the exact solution in this divergent region. It leads to an infinite error. So the Fermi golden rule is not a mathematically reasonable inference of the. Schrodinger equation (2) The transiton probability per unit time deduced from the exact solution of Schrodinger equation cannot describe the transition processes. This paper is only a prime discussion.
