We investigate the effect of two-photon exchange processes upon the rms- and Zemach radii extracted from electron-proton scattering. We find that the changes are small and do not help to explain the discrepancy between experimental and calculated HFS in the hydrogen atom.
Two-photon exchange contributions to elastic electron-proton scattering cross sections are evaluated in a simple hadronic model including the finite size of the proton. The corrections are found to be small in magnitude, but with a strong angular dependence at fixed $Q^2$. This is significant for the Rosenbluth technique for determining the ratio of the electric and magnetic form factors of the proton at high $Q^2$, and partly reconciles the apparent discrepancy with the results of the polarization transfer technique.
We use heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory to evaluate the two-photon exchange corrections to the low-energy elastic lepton-proton scattering at next-to-leading order accuracy, i.e., ${mathcal O}(alpha, M^{-1})$, including a non-zero lepton mass. We consider the elastic proton intermediate state in the two-photon exchange together in the soft photon approximation. The infrared singular contributions are projected out using dimensional regularization. The resulting infrared singularity-free two-photon exchange contribution is in good numerical agreement with existing predictions based on standard diagrammatic soft photon approximation evaluations.
We review recent theoretical and experimental progress on the role of two-photon exchange (TPE) in electron-proton scattering at low to moderate momentum transfers. We make a detailed comparison and analysis of the results of competing experiments on the ratio of e+p to e-p elastic scattering cross sections, and of the theoretical calculations describing them. A summary of the current experimental situation is provided, along with an outlook for future experiments.
We calculate the contribution from the two-photon exchange on the neutron to the hyperfine splitting of S energy levels. We update the value of the neutron Zemach radius, estimate total recoil and polarizability corrections. The resulting two-photon exchange in electronic atoms exceeds by an order of magnitude the leading Zemach term and has different sign both in electronic and muonic hydrogen.
Octet hyperon charge radii are calculated in a chiral constituent quark model including electromagnetic exchange currents between quarks. In impulse approximation one observes a decrease of the hyperon charge radii with increasing strangeness. This effect is reduced by exchange currents. Due to exchange currents, the charge radius of the negatively charged hyperons are close to the proton charge radius.