On kaonic hydrogen. Phenomenological quantum field theoretic model revisited

Abstract in English

We argue that due to isospin and U-spin invariance of strong low-energy interactions the S-wave scattering lengths a^0_0 and a^1_0 of bar-KN scattering with isospin I=0 and I = 1 satisfy the low-energy theorem a^0_0 + 3 a^1_0 = 0 valid to leading order in chiral expansion. In the model of strong low-energy bar-KN interactions at threshold (EPJA 21,11 (2004)) we revisit the contribution of the Sigma(1750) resonance, which does not saturate the low-energy theorem a^0_0 + 3 a^1_0 = 0, and replace it by the baryon background with properties of an SU(3) octet. We calculate the S-wave scattering amplitudes of K^-N and K^-d scattering at threshold. We calculate the energy level displacements of the ground states of kaonic hydrogen and kaonic deuterium. The result obtained for kaonic hydrogen agrees well with recent experimental data by the DEAR Collaboration. We analyse the cross sections for elastic and inelastic K^-p scattering for laboratory momenta of the incident K^- meson from the domain 70 MeV/c < p_K < 150 MeV/c. The theoretical results agree with the available experimental data within two standard deviations.
