Recent Theoretical Studies on Hadronic Atoms

Abstract in English

A report contains a review of recent theoretical investigations on kaonic atoms carried out at Stefan Meyer Institute of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. We discuss (1) a phenomenological quantum field theoretic model for bar-K N interactions at threshold of the reactions K^-p -> K^-p, K^-n -> K^-n and K^-d ->K^-d, and (2) the energy level displacements of the ground and nP excited states of kaonic hydrogen, (3) the contribution of the sigma-term to the shift of the energy level of the ground state of kaonic hydrogen, (4) the isospin-breaking and dispersive corrections to the energy level displacement of the ground state of kaonic hydrogen, (5) the radiative transitions nP -> 1S + gamma, induced by strong low-energy interactions and enhanced by the Coulomb interaction, in kaonic hydrogen and kaonic deuterium, (6) Perspectives and (7) Comments on the approach, where we adduce our recent results obtained after the Workshop EXA05.
