Consistency of spectroscopic factors from (e,ep) reactions at different momentum transfers

Abstract in English

The possibility to extract relevant information on spectroscopic factors from (e,e$$p) reactions at high $Q^2$ is studied. Recent ${}^{16}$O(e,e$$p) data at $Q^2 = 0.8$ (GeV/$c)^2$ are compared to a theoretical approach which includes an eikonal description of the final-state interaction of the proton, a microscopic nuclear matter calculation of the damping of this proton, and high-quality quasihole wave functions for $p$-shell nucleons in ${}^{16}{rm O}$. Good agreement with the $Q^2 = 0.8$ (GeV/$c)^2$ data is obtained when spectroscopic factors are employed which are identical to those required to describe earlier low $Q^2$ experiments.
