Neutron and Proton Transverse Emission Ratio Measurements and the Density Dependence of the Asymmetry Term of the Nuclear Equation of State

Abstract in English

Recent measurements of pre-equilibrium neutron and proton transverse emission from (112,124)Sn+(112,124)Sn reactions at 50 MeV/A have been completed at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory. Free nucleon transverse emission ratios are compared to those of A=3 mirror nuclei. Comparisons are made to BUU transport calculations and conclusions concerning the density dependence of the asymmetry term of the nuclear equation-of-state at sub-nuclear densities are made. The double-ratio of neutron-proton ratios between two reactions is employed as a means of reducing first-order Coulomb effects and detector efficiency effects. Comparison to BUU model predictions indicate a density dependence of the asymmetry energy that is closer to a form in which the asymmety energy increases as the square root of the density for the density region studied. A coalescent-invariant analysis is introduced as a means of reducing suggested difficulties with cluster emission in total nucleon emission. Future experimentation is presented.
