The paper is devoted to study of Massey products in symplectic manifolds. Theory of generalized and classical Massey products and a general construction of symplectic manifolds with nontrivial Massey products of arbitrary large order are exposed. The construction uses the symplectic blow-up and is based on the author results, which describe conditions under which the blow-up of a symplectic manifold X along its submanifold Y inherits nontrivial Massey products from X ot Y. This gives a general construction of nonformal symplectic manifolds.
We define an obstruction to the formality of a differential graded algebra over a graded operad defined over a commutative ground ring. This obstruction lives in the derived operadic cohomology of the algebra. Moreover, it determines all operadic Massey products induced on the homology algebra, hence the name of derived universal Massey product.
Recently, Tsai-Tseng-Yau constructed new invariants of symplectic manifolds: a sequence of Aoo-algebras built of differential forms on the symplectic manifold. We show that these symplectic Aoo-algebras have a simple topological interpretation. Namely, when the cohomology class of the symplectic form is integral, these Aoo-algebras are equivalent to the standard de Rham differential graded algebra on certain odd-dimensional sphere bundles over the symplectic manifold. From this equivalence, we deduce for a closed symplectic manifold that Tsai-Tseng-Yaus symplectic Aoo-algebras satisfy the Calabi-Yau property, and importantly, that they can be used to define an intersection theory for coisotropic/isotropic chains. We further demonstrate that these symplectic Aoo-algebras satisfy several functorial properties and lay the groundwork for addressing Weinstein functoriality and invariance in the smooth category.
We introduce a class of Weinstein domains which are sublevel sets of flexible Weinstein manifolds but are not themselves flexible. These manifolds exhibit rather subtle behavior with respect to both holomorphic curve invariants and symplectic flexibility. We construct a large class of examples and prove that every flexible Weinstein manifold can be Weinstein homotoped to have a nonflexible sublevel set.
We introduce the critical Weinstein category - the result of stabilizing the category of Weinstein sectors and inverting subcritical morphisms - and construct localizing `P-flexibilization endofunctors indexed by collections $P$ of Lagrangian disks in the stabilization of a point $T^*D^0$. Like the classical localization of topological spaces studied by Quillen, Sullivan, and others, these functors are homotopy-invariant and localizing on algebraic invariants like the Fukaya category. Furthermore, these functors generalize the `flexibilization operation introduced by Cieliebak-Eliashberg and Murphy and the `homologous recombination construction of Abouzaid-Seidel. In particular, we give an h-principle-free proof that flexibilization is idempotent and independent of presentation, up to subcriticals and stabilization. In fact, we show that $P$-flexibilization is a multiplicative localization of the critical Weinstein category, and hence gives rise to a new way of constructing commutative algebra objects from symplectic geometry.
We introduce a method of geometric quantization for compact $b$-symplectic manifolds in terms of the index of an Atiyah-Patodi-Singer (APS) boundary value problem. We show further that b-symplectic manifolds have canonical Spin-c structures in the usual sense, and that the APS index above coincides with the index of the Spin-c Dirac operator. We show that if the manifold is endowed with a Hamiltonian action of a compact connected Lie group with non-zero modular weights, then this method satisfies the Guillemin-Sternberg ``quantization commutes with reduction property. In particular our quantization coincides with the formal quantization defined by Guillemin, Miranda and Weitsman, providing a positive answer to a question posed in their paper.