Coherent states, Path integral, and Semiclassical approximation

Abstract in English

Using the generalized coherent states we argue that the path integral formulae for $SU(2)$ and $SU(1,1)$ (in the discrete series) are WKB exact,if the starting point is expressed as the trace of $e^{-iThat H}$ with $hat H$ being given by a linear combination of generators. In our case,WKB approximation is achieved by taking a large ``spin limit: $J,Krightarrow infty$. The result is obtained directly by knowing that the each coefficient vanishes under the $J^{-1}$($K^{-1}$) expansion and is examined by another method to be legitimated. We also point out that the discretized form of path integral is indispensable, in other words, the continuum path integral expression leads us to a wrong result. Therefore a great care must be taken when some geometrical action would be adopted, even if it is so beautiful, as the starting ingredient of path integral.
