Vacuum oscillations and the distorted solar neutrino spectrum observed by Superkamiokande

Abstract in English

The excess of solar-neutrino events above 13 MeV that has been recently observed by Superkamiokande can be explained by vacuum oscillations (VO). If the boron neutrino flux is 20% smaller than the standard solar model (SSM) prediction and the chlorine signal is assumed 30% (or 3.5 sigmas) higher than the measured one, there exists a VO solution that reproduces both the observed boron neutrino spectrum, including the high energy distortion, and the other measured neutrino rates. This solution might already be testable by the predicted anomalous seasonal variation of the gallium signal. Its most distinct signature, a large anomalous seasonal variation of Be7 neutrino flux, can be easily observed by the future detectors, BOREXINO and LENS.
