Low-Scale Technicolor at the Tevatron

Abstract in English

In multiscale models of walking technicolor, relatively light color-singlet technipions are produced in $q ol q$ annihilation in association with longitudinal $W$ and $Z$ bosons and with each other. The technipions decay as $tpiz ra b ol b$ and $tpip ra c ol b$. Their production rates are resonantly enhanced by isovector technirho vector mesons with mass $M_W + M_{tpi} simle M_{tro} simle 2 M_{tpi}$. At the Tevatron, these associated production rates are 1--10 picobarns for $M_{tpi} simeq 100,gev$. Such a low mass technipion requires topcolor-assisted technicolor to suppress the decay $t ra tpip b$. Searches for $tpitpi$ production will also be rewarding. Sizable rates are expected if $M_{tro} simge 2M_{tpi} + 10,gev$. The isoscalar $omega_T$ is nearly degenerate with $tro$ and is expected to be produced at roughly the same rate. The $omega_T$ should have the distinctive decay modes $omega_T ra gamma tpiz$ and $Z tpiz$.
