Identifying the neutrino mass hierarchy with supernova neutrinos

Abstract in English

We review how a high-statistics observation of the neutrino signal from a future galactic core-collapse supernova (SN) may be used to discriminate between different neutrino mixing scenarios. Most SN neutrinos are emitted in the accretion and cooling phase, during which the flavor-dependent differences of the emitted neutrino spectra are small and rather uncertain. Therefore the discrimination between neutrino mixing scenarios using these neutrinos should rely on observables independent of the SN neutrino spectra. We discuss two complementary methods that allow for the positive identification of the mass hierarchy without knowledge of the emitted neutrino fluxes, provided that the 13-mixing angle is large, $sin^2theta_{13}gg 10^{-5}$. These two approaches are the observation of modulations in the neutrino spectra by Earth matter effects or by the passage of shock waves through the SN envelope. If the value of the 13-mixing angle is unknown, using additionally the information encoded in the prompt neutronization $ u_e$ burst--a robust feature found in all modern SN simulations--can be sufficient to fix both the neutrino hierarchy and to decide whether $theta_{13}$ is ``small or ``large.
