On the Strangeness -1 S-wave Meson-Baryon Scattering

Abstract in English

We consider meson-baryon interactions in S-wave with strangeness -1. This is a non-perturbative sector populated by plenty of resonances interacting in several two-body coupled channels.We study this sector combining a large set of experimental data. The recent experiments are remarkably accurate demanding a sound theoretical description to account for all the data. We employ unitary chiral perturbation theory up to and including cal{O}(p^2) to accomplish this aim. The spectroscopy of our solutions is studied within this approach, discussing the rise from the pole content of the two Lambda(1405) resonances and of the Lambda(1670), Lambda(1800), Sigma(1480), Sigma(1620) and Sigma(1750). We finally argue about our preferred solution.
